Ina May’s Guild to Childbirth - by Ina May Gaskin
- The Birth Partner - by Peggy Simkin
For anyone planning to assist the mother during labor, this book includes it all. This is a
great book for fathers, partners, family and doulas.
- Birthing from Within - by Pam England
This holistic approach to childbirth examines this profound rite-of-passage not as a
medical event, but as an act of self-discovery. Exercises and activities such as journal
writing, meditation, and painting are designed to help mothers analyze their thoughts and face their fears during pregnancy.
- Gentle Birth Choice - by Barbara Harper
RN Harper explains why birthing centers and home births, along with other "gentle birth
choices," are beneficial to both mother and baby.
- Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices - by Sarah Buckley
An authoritative guide to natural childbirth and postpartum parenting options from an
MD who home-birthed her own four children. Speaks to a new generation of parents
who are concerned about the medicalization of childbirth and want current and sciencebased info about alternatives.
- A Good Birth, a Safe Birth - by Korte & Scaer
This is an excellent book to help parents understand why childbirth has become such a
medical event and how to negotiate your way through the system to have the kind of birth you want. This book is several years old however the information is timeless.
Mothering the Mother How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and
- Healthier Birth – by Marshall H. Klaus, John H. Kennell, Phyllis h. Klaus
A doula is an experienced labor companion who provides continuous emotional support
and assistance before, during, and after birth. Through research with over 2,000 women,
the authors show that the presence of a doula shortens labor by an average of two hours, decreases cesarean sections by over 50%, decreases the need for pain medication, helps fathers participate, and more.
- Pregnancy Childbirth & the Newborn: The Complete Guild - by Peggy Simkin, Whalley & Keppler
It covers all aspects of childbearing from conception through early infancy. It includes
information on what to expect during pregnancy and birth and how you can work with
your caregivers to make childbirth a happy and healthy experience.
- The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Birth - by Henci Goer
This is a great book for a woman who is taking charge of her birth experience and
interested in what the research says about birthing options. It covers nearly every issue
that parents may include in a birth plan from an evidence-based perspective.
- The Breastfeeding Café: Mothers Share the Joys, Challenges & Secrets of Nursing - by Barbara L. Behrmann
The Breastfeeding Café isn't a how-to manual on breastfeeding; instead, it offers a
thoughtful forum for women to share their experiences with others. Approaching nursing
as a feminist issue and one that is very important to child rearing, the book embraces the wide spectrum of women's experiences breastfeeding their children. A must-read for
clinicians, breastfeeding consultants, and both new and expectant mothers who are
curious about the nursing experience in all its variety.
- Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers
by Nancy Mohrbacher & Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
These are laws you can use to get breastfeeding off to a good start and avoid common
challenges. If you are having difficulties, these laws can help you get back on track.
- The Nursing Mother’s Companion - by Kathleen Huggins
If you plan to breastfeed your baby and can only afford one book, this is the one to get.
Included are answers to breastfeeding problems as well as techniques for breastfeeding.
- Birth After Cesarean: The Medical Facts - by Bruce L. Flamm
A patient advocacy book, filled with recommendations and support for women who want
to deliver normally even when they've had a prior cesarean. In a straightforward question-and-answer format, Dr. Bruce Flamm assesses the conflicting information many pregnant women receive.
- The VBAC Companion: The Expectant Mother's Guide to Vaginal Birth After
Cesarean - by Diana Korte
The VBAC Companion, a clearly written and thorough guide to lead women step-by-step
through the process of planning for a VBAC.
- The Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Experience: Birth Stories by Parents and Professionals - by Lynn Baptisti Richards & Michel Odent
Here for the first time are intimate stories of the VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)
experience, as told by mothers, fathers, midwives, obstetricians, labor coaches, and others whose lives have been affected by VBAC. The stories demystify in a powerful way the idea of "once a cesarean, always a cesarean." By example, each story is a telling critique of birthing practices in general and the cesarean outcome in particular, as well as a primer for mothers, fathers, and professionals on the VBAC experience.
- Birth As a Healing Experience: The Emotional Journey of Pregnancy Through
Postpartum - by Lois Freedman
This book emphasizes and examines the emotional aspects of pregnancy and postpartum, presenting these periods as important opportunities for a woman's growth and healing from previous traumatic births or pregnancy losses.
- Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety - by Linda Sebastian
One of the most practical and informative books for mothers who are working through
postpartum mood disorders.